Saturday, November 2, 2019

Democratic Republic of Congo & M23 Research Paper

Democratic Republic of Congo & M23 - Research Paper Example Africa somehow always has some bad stories for the international world. The continent has been extensively influenced by corruption and mass killings. African growth and development experienced significant decline ever since 1950s when decolonization actually began (Meredith, 2006). Recent violence attacks, improper use of national resources and massive violation of rules and laws done by the M23 rebels in Democratic Republic of Congo are examples of misery and corruption in Africa. However, the query is that how the country has reached to such a devastating state while on the other hand is it now able to maintain peace after the defeat of M23. In order to understand this situation it is important to first discuss the formation of rebellion organization M23. Congolese government signed a peace agreement with the rebels in country on 23rd March 2009 when initially they were recognized as the members of (CNDP) the National Congress for the defense of the People (Q&A: Who are DR Congos M23 rebels?, 2013). But later on they were named as M23 on the basis of the violation of peace agreement. Research indicates that these rebels are actually associated with an ethnic group called Tutsi which has its very close affiliations in the neighboring country Rwanda. Members of M23 started their activities in April 2012. These particularly involved huge crimes against humanity and the Congolese law, for instance, rape, summary executions and child recruitment. On the other side rebels justified their acts on the basis of the fact that they were not satisfied with their pays and the miserable conditions they were supposed to face in Congolese army. But the government officials argue that the real rebellion arose when Ntaganda was arrested and later he w as handed over to ICC (Q&A: Who are DR Congos M23 rebels?, 2013). Here, it is important to notice that M23 is only a ragtag army whereas the distance

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