Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Enders Game Essay - 1115 Words

Ender’s Game Essay nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The novel Ender’s Game is written by Orson Schott Card. It is about a young boy who is sent to battle school. He meets friends and makes adversaries. In battle school, out in space, Ender, the young boy is a genius and is taught many tactics to destroy their prime enemy the buggers. He excels in school and battles his way into command school before the required age. There he is told he is battling buggers in simulations or is he? Throughout the novel, Ender is manipulated, bullied, and isolated, which creates many themes and messages. In this novel Ender’s Game the main theme is life is a game. Three characters that best prove this are Ender, Peter, and Bonzo.†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Another character that best show the theme life is a game is Bonzo. Bonzo is Ender’s adversary. His life was also a game because he is an enemy, he has the advantage and he dies. Bonzo hated Ender the minute Ender stepped into B onzo’s platoon. Right then and there Bonzo became Ender’s enemy. In many combat games there is an enemy who is trying to make it more difficult. Bonzo who is an enemy wanted Ender gone because Bonzo was jealous of Ender’s winning streak. Bonzo hated him and he was furious. On page 205, Crazy Tom questioned, â€Å"That some of the older boys want to kill you?† This quote refers to Bonzo and other soldiers. They are Ender’s enemy and they wanted to annihilate him. Every enemy’s goal is to destroy their victim and Bonzo tried with an advantage. Advantage is also another reason why life is a game. While playing games somebody always has the advantage. In this case Bonzo brought other soldiers to confront Ender. Page 207, bottom paragraph describes how seven boys were watching Ender in the showers. This example demonstrates the advantage that Bonzo has over Ender. Whether it is two against one or fighting soldiers without any weapons. Advantage i s a contributing factor in games and that portrays how Bonzo’s life is a game. With an advantage a person might think you are going to win, but Ender thought differently. Ender overcame the odds andShow MoreRelated Enders Game Essay1042 Words   |  5 Pages Ender Wiggin, the third in a family of child geniuses, is selected by international military forces to save the world from destruction. Before being chosen Ender wears a unique monitor that allows the heads of the military to see things as Ender does. Enders brother Peter and his sister Valentine also wore this monitor, although neither was selected, nor did they have it for as long as Ender, and Peter will never forgive Ender for this. Peter hates Ender, and even when the monitor is taken outRead More Enders Game: The Parallels and Distinctions of Bean and Ender922 Words   |  4 Pages  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Bean and Ender have many similarities that set them apart from their peers in times of peril. Their intelligence m ade them the most promising weapon in the war against the buggers, rating highest among the smartest children in the world. This is surprising on account of the dissimilarities of their lifestyles before they went to battle school. However, before and during battle school Bean and Ender had to cope with being small. Ender and Bean were both prodigies in their time, but ironicallyRead MoreAn Examination Of Ender s Game1666 Words   |  7 Pagesand Juliet, and Fahrenheit 451, all have values that can be found in other books, like Ender’s Game. An examination of Ender’s Game, in comparison to other young adult novels, shows the values of courage, empathy, forgiveness, and community through the character development and the messages the authors want to convey to their readers. The value of courage in the face of adversity is shown in Ender’s Game and To Kill a Mockingbird. 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The novel follows the story of a young boy, aged 6 as he triumphs over challenges and ‘saves humanity.’ This thought provoking book dwells heavily on moral contradictions and complex characters. The main character - Ender is influenced by a number of other side characters, but in particular his siblings Valentine and Peter. As the third child in the family, he is outcastRead MoreEnder s Game : The Power Of Place And Space1618 Words   |  7 Pagesan effect on interaction and that this effect is most clearly expressed as a function of distance† (Sack 327). In the movie, â€Å"Ender’s Game,† directed by Gavin Hood, the main character Ender, played by Asa Butterfield, is seen living in an institutionalized space. The institution prepares the students there for a future alien invasion throughout the movie, as Ender progresses through the ranks of the institution, he slowly dismantles the blind loyalty he had in this institutionalized space. This internalRead MoreAnalysis Of Ender s Game By Orson Scott Card877 Words   |  4 Pagesattributed to direct causes, underlying factors manipulate and play a large role towards determining a culture. Psychologists and scholars share a deep curiosity about these factors in order to understand society and its conflict. In his book Ender’s Game, author Orson Scott Card highlights the complications of structural violence, inciting the reader to confront the consequences of hierarchy, discrimination, and stratification. Furthermore, in the article â€Å"Structural Violence,† authors Deborah DuNann

Monday, December 23, 2019

The History of and Issues surrounding the Same-Sex...

Same-sex marriage is one of the leading political topics in the United States today. There is an ongoing dispute pertaining to the legalization of same-sex marriages. America has shifted its head to focusing on supporting same-sex marriage or not. Many are for and against this topic but there has been no settlement for it yet. Homosexuals want to marry for the same reason that heterosexuals have and there should be no reason why they are not allowed to. There is some history behind this topic but there has yet to be a solution. During World War II and well after that brought many different social and political changes to the United States of America. One of the major changes was the discovery of homosexuality. In 1969 the Stonewall riots†¦show more content†¦In May of 2009 the fifth state, Maine, passed legislation for same-sex marriage. Then on June third of the same year John Lynch, the New Hampshire governor, signed a legislation allowing same-sex marriage. This makes New Hampshire the sixth state in the nation to allow same-sex marriage. In this same year President Obama signs a referendum allowing same-sex partners to receive benefits through federal employees. Homosexuals should be able to be legally married in all the United States due to the fact that their spouses will be able to get benefits, able to make medical decisions if need be, and get property inheritance. Even though people believe that civil unions and domestic partnerships are an alternative to marriage they are wrong. There should be no reason why same-sex couples cannot get married in any place in the United States. The states that do not allow same-sex marriage are severely hurting same-sex couples because they are the ones that have to pay when it comes to medical decisions, employee benefits, and even adopting children. People do not know this side of the same-sex marriage issue and that is what they need to pay more attention to. When denying homosexuals the right to marry society is saying that gays and lesbians do not have the same rights as a heterosexual couples and that is not right. Denying marriage to same-sex couples also has emotional and financialShow MoreRelatedSame Sex Marriage Is An Inflammatory Issue In Today’S Political1577 Words   |  7 Pages Same sex marriage is an inflammatory issue in today’s political landscape. Seemingly every election cycle brings us incendiary statements about how â€Å"the gays† are destroying America’s moral fabric from segments of the right. Meanwhile the idea of same sex marriage is becoming more and more accepted among young generations. The courts lie in the middle of this chaos. When laws are passed which discriminate against members of the LGBTQ community and are met with legal challenges, it is up to the courtsRead MoreThe Issue With Same-Sex Marriages1568 Words   |  6 Pagesincreased debate about the issue of same-sex marriage . For many, it is one of the fundamental human rights to love and marry whomever one chooses. Others feel that this right should be ruled by certain moral codes and restrictions in order to maintain the basic moral fabric of Western society. Today, many critics who advocate for the legalization of same-sex marriage across the United States do so on the grounds of the fact that it will create a more equal and fair society. Same-sex marriage, or indeedRead MoreDiscrimination Imposed Upon Minority Groups Throughout History1446 Words   |  6 PagesThe process of overcoming the significance and intensity of discrimination imposed upon minority groups throughout history, is undeniably a strenuous and elongated one; once the impact and magnitude of centuries of persecution and the depth of illegitimacy that is ingrained within the structures and beliefs of the state and those who are fortunate enough to have its protection; are considered. As background for this essay, it is important to acknowledge the various dimensions of discrimination andRead More Gay Marriage Essay1231 Words   |  5 Pages Gay Marriage There seem to be Specific time in history where certain issues define the culture tension in a society. They become representative of large worldview and clearly emphasize the battle between divergent moral and spiritual perspectives. Homosexual marriage in the United States is one of these issues. In the past five years, there have been various threats and debates about the possibility of legalizing homosexual union. The issue took centre stage in February largely. The U.S SenateRead MoreGay Marriage Should be Legal Essay1176 Words   |  5 Pages There can be no question about the definition of marriage. There is considerable evidence form history, the origins of the word, and even its current legal use. Yet, somehow there is still tension and confusion surrounding the issue of same-sex marriage. 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This essay will discuss these topics by drawing on existing published scholarly literature and relevant, credible published sources. The second part of this essay will be a reflection ofRead MoreThe Right to Say I Do Essay2469 Words   |  10 Pagesof view, as to why people oppose gay marriage, it all comes down to the fact they think homosexuality is morally wrong. This report will cover the laws dealing with gay marriage, the religious views, and the debate concerning children. In addition, this report will give an explanation into how a classical theory would resolve the issues surrounding the subject of gay marriage. Dating back to its Puritan founders, the United States has an extensive history of sexual ideology. They put into placeRead MoreAn Understanding Of The Historical And Worldview Changes That Occurred Within The United States Over Homosexuality And Same Sex Essay1829 Words   |  8 Pagescultural issues surrounding traditional marriage. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Domestic Violence Course Assignment Free Essays

Questions: Answer the following questions. Name three consequences for women victimized by male partner violence. ? Describe the following three theories: traumatic bonding, Stockholm syndrome, ND attachment. We will write a custom essay sample on Domestic Violence Course Assignment or any similar topic only for you Order Now How do these theories explain a victim’s entrapment in the relationship? Why can’t battered women count on the criminal Justice system to protect them from an abusive male partner? Chapter 9 Review – Abusive Heterosexual Partners: Primarily Men Discuss at least three different types of definitions of partner violence. Discuss blame. Evaluate how it affects battered women and partner violent men. Discuss what is known about female partner abuse offenders. Compare and contrast differences with male offenders. Assignment – Due: Wednesday, April 4, 2012 Discuss the meaning and importance of practice, policy and prevention issues. Evaluate agency services versus individual counseling services. What problems do agencies appear to have? Discuss cultural competence and why is it needed in practice, policy and prevention. Discuss the controversy over treatment of male abusers. What is your opinion? Assignment – Due: Wednesday, April 1 1, 2012 Chapter 4 Review – Child Physical Abuse Should corporal punishment be outlawed? Is it effective? Why or why not? List five general categories of the effects of CPA on children. Describe a prototypical adult who abuses children. Assignment #5 – Due: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Chapter 12 Review – Abuse of Elderly and Disabled Persons How does elder abuse compare with abuse of younger adults? What is elder self- neglect? What sorts of individuals are most likely to abuse elders? What are some of the forms of abusing disabled persons that appear to be unique? What elder abuse problems and responses to abuse occur in nursing homes? How to cite Domestic Violence Course Assignment, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Sport and Leisure Operations Management †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Sport and Leisure Operations Management. Answer: Introduction In this report, the company I have selected for marketing audit is Ifeelgood24/7. It is an express health clubs, which offers Gym/physical fitness center. This company provides some health/beauty session to the customer and also provides personal trainers as per customer requirement. As the name clarify that this Gym is available for 24 hours and for 7 days to the customer. This gym provide free 7 days trial to the customers who want to join later those customer have to buy membership for joining the club or they can buy sessions from personal trainers after joining the club. Further report will talk about the marketing audit of the company. Marketing audit refers to the comprehensive, systematic, analysis, evaluation and the interpretation of the business marketing environment (Wilson, 2002). Ifeelgood24/7 is a private organization situated in Australia, it was founded in 2010. At that time there were only 5 employees. It provides physical fitness facility, health and beauty session to the customers. The revenue generated by the company: - the organization generated $3.59M in a particular year, which was 5 times higher than the $759,812 average for all the physical fitness centers in Australia. The companys annual sales volume is $3.59M; each employee of the company is generating revenue of $718,694 per employee (as per 5 employees in a company). This means that Ifeelgood24/7 employees are generating 3 times more revenue per employee than the average organization. When the revenue generated by the company is more than other fitness centers then we can totally agree that the facilities provided by the company are far better than other companies (Find the company, 2017). This directly impact on the goodwill of the company, or reputation or brand value. If company provides g ood facilities, customers will definitely recommend the name of the company which helps in increasing the number of customers and make the brand popular. This puts Ifeelgood24/7 in the top 10% of companies in the industry. Strength of Ifeelgood24/7 This company works for 24 hours and 7 days a week, which is a happiest thing for most of the customers as they generally work on week days and will get time on weekends. So they can easily take sessions and other thing is if they did not get time at day time they can go late night, as this service is available for 24 hours. Ifeelgood24/7 provides 7 days free trail, generally companies provide 3 days trail so that they can check the facilities but this company provides 7 days free trail which make easier for customers to understand the facilities and atmosphere. There are total 12 outlets in Australia, as they started with only one outlet and now they have 12 outlets so convenient for the customers to visit the nearest one. Affordable for the customers, if we see the price for the membership package it is cheaper than other companies. Ifeelgood24/7 is providing the membership package at just $12.95. Weakness of Ifeelgood24/7 Customer membership can be cancelled within 30 days from the next billing cycle, for this you need to notify the club for the same. So sometimes, due to busy schedule customer forget to inform about the same. Late appointments for sessions, sometime due to the occasion, or on weekend; rush on the outlets result in delay in the appointments to the customers. At that point of time customer have to shift to different company. Rude behavior or unprofessional behavior of frontline employees will force the customers to shift to the other outlets. Bad customer experience, when a customer says to cancel the membership or requesting for any service then we should respect the customer point of view and with humble and kind response we can try to solve their problem. The above points state the strength and weakness of the company, as each and every company have some positive as well as some negative points (Ifeelgood24/7, 2017). So this analysis talks about the companys strength and weakness. Customer demands and needs, plays a vital role for a company. The companies have to make strategy where they can get more customers for their services. Over here, Ifeelgood24/7 has selected few segments of the market such as shopping center. If we see the outlets of the company then we find approximately 50 % of outlets in shopping centers and the rest outlets at the main markets or the centralized area. So the company has decided the centralized markets for the outlets (Piwek, Ellis, Andrews Joinson, 2016). Segment and target analysis: Company has to think for target customers, to whom they can provide their services. Ifeelgood24/7 targets all age group people starting from teenagers. They also select people according to the income or demands or needs, so that they can easily fulfill customer demand (Grisanti, 2002). After analyzing the market attractiveness, we can to why people are visiting Ifeelgood24/7 as this gym is comparative better than others as they have good infrastructure facilities, some fun activities to customer along with gym; that make customers refresh. They can take sessions which include yoga, meditation which is beneficial for their health (Fusion, 2017). This attracts the customer to move towards this gym. Customer wants to go gym to lose weight and to keep themselves fit and fine, some customer also demand for cardio equipments, weight training, personal training, racquet ball and a pool etc. so all these needs of customer are fulfilled by Ifeelgood24/7. They have specialist trainers and experienced employees who can help customer and assist them properly ( Mercer, 2015). In Australia each and every person is fitness and health oriented so the opportunities of companies are increasing day by day. There is different campus going on which makes customer aware about the benefits of going gym that ultimately increase the opportunities (Sharkey Gaskill, 2007). With the increase in opportunities of company there is increase in the competitors. There are many gyms in Australia who are competitor of Ifeelgood24/7 such as Virgin Active Health Club, Dohertys 24 Hour Gym and Fitness First etc. so these gyms give tough competition to the company. Competitor analysis Talking about the current positioning of the competitors as compare to Ifeelgood24/7, the company is on developing stage as compare to the other competitors such as Virgin Active Health Club, Dohertys 24 Hour Gym and Fitness First etc., from the reviews of the companies it is very clear that Ifeelgood24/7 need to work on the customer service and facilities. Competitor companies: - having a review rating of 4 stars out of 5 stars, based on 10 reviews or more approximately (Yelp, 2017). On an average they have good scoring and good reviews which justifies their work. On the other hand Ifeelgood24/7 has rating of 4 stars out of 5 stars based on 1 review, which shows that they are lacking behind (Yelp, 2017). Positioning Map Above positioning map shows the 4 aspects- low quality, high quality, low price and high price. Talking form the competitors point of view as we can see in the map that they either provide high quality with high prices or low quality with low prices. So this sows the competitors strategy. On the other hand talking about Ifeelgood24/7 they follow low price with high quality. This shows that they have a good market strategy which they are implementing with a positive attitude and that built customer experience (Thompson, Walter Facsm, 2016). Strength and weakness of key competitors: - the analysis shows that the customer opinion for other companies is quite good, as they provide good customer service, facilities (such as rock climbing wall, showers, cafe, change rooms, pool, saunas, a Power Plate room, a sleeping pod area) and personalization which create a big impact on customers. This is their strength because growth comes with customer delight. These companies are successfully leading in todays market but talking about weakness, sometimes customers feels that it is hard to get into some of the classes on week days. Analysis of service blueprint During the process there are many potential fail points of the service which is need to be taken care by Ifeelgood24/7 such as: - Waiting time: - Sometimes, customers have to wait for their sessions and for their personal trainers which creates problem for customer because they have to cancel their rest appointments just for gym. Frontline employee behavior: - Sometimes employees behavior effect customers as these employees became rude and unwilling to help customers. Ignorant of requests: - Customer faces problem when they have ordered any product or they need any kind of changes and if they want any additional things apart from it they also faced problem while requesting for the cancellation of the membership. The employees ignore the request or they forget to do that, later customer has to escalate same thing again and again. After the analysis we found these few things which need to be take care by the Ifeelgood24/7 so that they can deliver their best and can easily be able to generate revenue out of it (Mantia Lee, 2000). Analysis of Customer Service Strategy Customer service should be best from the company side, in this company should analyze or conduct the serve in which they can ask from customers about their services or any recommendations based on the services (Deuker, 2007). Thereafter, they can make strategies for doing changes in their services as per the customer requirements. The strategically evaluation on the current strategy shows that there are some customers who did like the service: - so we can add on customer service by compensating them. Company receive complains related to employees:- some customer did not get good treatment from the employees of the company, customer should acknowledge the facts and should making their staff realize that they should take care of customer. Employees should not treat any one badly. Equipments should be updated: - company should update the gym equipments timely, some of the customer does complain for the equipments because they did get any updated equipments. Analysis of Physical Evidence Each and every company should maintain physical services just to make comfort level in the organization. Same like that Ifeelgood24/7 have made strategy for good physical appearance such as cleanliness in the outlet, comfort of waiting area, facilities of different rooms or classes for different sessions or change room. These facilities are necessary for the customers (Yeoman Beattie, 2004). As per the analysis there are some potential problems as well so company need to make strategy to resolve those problems such as: - The waiting area is clean and tidy in the morning but in the afternoon it becomes untidy. Company need to make strategy they should appoint some to clean all the time so that customer always find the gym space neat and clean. The change room is always occupied with any of the customer. So other person has to wait for that so customer should think for the convenient of the customers and should make strategy for dealing with this problem. Company provides different sessions to the customer such as yoga and meditation for that the floor should not slips, it should be taken care by the company. Recommendations Ifeelgood24/7 is doing good job, company is developing very fast. In the short span this company has 12 branches in Australia, which is commendable. As the company is providing good customer services but still they have to work on it (Ifeelgood24/7 health clubs, n.d). Company should provide good customer service, or they should listen to the customer. What suggestions customer wants to give to the company? Not only listening to the customer suggestion but also implementing them and replying to the suggestions in the polite manner. Ifeelgood24/7 needs to add some different products to the Gym such as providing pool, rock climbing wall, cafe etc. which will help in increasing the customers as well as increase in the brand value. Reception and waiting area should be neat and clean, company should think for the physical conditions, infrastructure facilities that helps customer to attract towards the company and companys environment (Bates, 2008). References Bates, M. (2008). Health Fitness Management: A Comprehensive Resource for Managing and operating programs and facilities. Second edition. Australia. Deuker, C. (2007). Gym Candy. First edition. New York. Find the company. (2017). Ifeelgood24/7 Australia Pty. Ltd. Retrieved on 2nd May 2017 from https://listings.fta-companies-au.com/l/100590179/Ifeelgood-24-7-Australia-Pty-Ltd-in-Coopers-Plains-QLD Fusion, J. (2017). What Is the Target Market for Fitness Gyms? Retrieved on 2nd May 2017 from https://smallbusiness.chron.com/target-market-fitness-gyms-3354.html Grisanti, S. (2002). Industry of Illusions: Health and Fitness Industry Scams, Frauds, Fakes, and Personal Trainers Exposed. Rivercat publisher. Ifeelgood24/7 health clubs. (n.d). Health club brand and marketing. Retrieved on 2nd May 2017 from https://enso.com.au/case-study/ifeelgood-247-health-club-branding/ Ifeelgood24/7. (2017). Ifeelgood24/7. Retrieved on 2nd may 2017 from https://ifeelgood247.com.au/ Mantia, D. Lee, P. (2000). An Analysis of the Status of the Fitness Industry. First edition. Bostor university. Mercer, P. (2015). The tough world of the Australian fitness industry. Retrieved on 2nd May 2017 from https://www.bbc.com/news/business-34616847 Piwek, L., Ellis, D.A., Andrews, S. Joinson, A. (2016). The Rise of Consumer Health Wearables: Promises and Barriers. Journal of health and fitness. Vol.13, no.2. Sharkey, B. Gaskill, S.E. (2007). Fitness Health. Sixth edition. Montana. Thompson, Walter. R Facsm, Ph.D. (2016). Worldwide Survey of fitness trends for 2016. Journal of Health and fitness. Vol.16, no.6. Wilson, A. (2002). Marketing Audit Handbook. First edition. Great Britain. Yelp. (2017). Ifeelgood24/7 review. Retrieved on 2nd May 2017 from https://www.yelp.com.au/biz/ifeelgood-24-7-indooroopilly-2 Yelp. (2017). Top 10 Gyms in Melbourne Victoria. Retrieved on 2nd May 2017 from https://www.yelp.com.au/search?cflt=gymsfind_loc=Melbourne+Victoria Yeoman, I. Beattie, U.M. (2004). Sport and Leisure Operations Management. First edition. London.