Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Enders Game Essay - 1115 Words

Ender’s Game Essay nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The novel Ender’s Game is written by Orson Schott Card. It is about a young boy who is sent to battle school. He meets friends and makes adversaries. In battle school, out in space, Ender, the young boy is a genius and is taught many tactics to destroy their prime enemy the buggers. He excels in school and battles his way into command school before the required age. There he is told he is battling buggers in simulations or is he? Throughout the novel, Ender is manipulated, bullied, and isolated, which creates many themes and messages. In this novel Ender’s Game the main theme is life is a game. Three characters that best prove this are Ender, Peter, and Bonzo.†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Another character that best show the theme life is a game is Bonzo. Bonzo is Ender’s adversary. His life was also a game because he is an enemy, he has the advantage and he dies. Bonzo hated Ender the minute Ender stepped into B onzo’s platoon. Right then and there Bonzo became Ender’s enemy. In many combat games there is an enemy who is trying to make it more difficult. Bonzo who is an enemy wanted Ender gone because Bonzo was jealous of Ender’s winning streak. Bonzo hated him and he was furious. On page 205, Crazy Tom questioned, â€Å"That some of the older boys want to kill you?† This quote refers to Bonzo and other soldiers. They are Ender’s enemy and they wanted to annihilate him. Every enemy’s goal is to destroy their victim and Bonzo tried with an advantage. Advantage is also another reason why life is a game. While playing games somebody always has the advantage. In this case Bonzo brought other soldiers to confront Ender. Page 207, bottom paragraph describes how seven boys were watching Ender in the showers. This example demonstrates the advantage that Bonzo has over Ender. Whether it is two against one or fighting soldiers without any weapons. Advantage i s a contributing factor in games and that portrays how Bonzo’s life is a game. With an advantage a person might think you are going to win, but Ender thought differently. Ender overcame the odds andShow MoreRelated Enders Game Essay1042 Words   |  5 Pages Ender Wiggin, the third in a family of child geniuses, is selected by international military forces to save the world from destruction. Before being chosen Ender wears a unique monitor that allows the heads of the military to see things as Ender does. Enders brother Peter and his sister Valentine also wore this monitor, although neither was selected, nor did they have it for as long as Ender, and Peter will never forgive Ender for this. Peter hates Ender, and even when the monitor is taken outRead More Enders Game: The Parallels and Distinctions of Bean and Ender922 Words   |  4 Pages  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Bean and Ender have many similarities that set them apart from their peers in times of peril. 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