Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Divorce Talk †Creative Writing Informal Essay

The Divorce Talk – Creative Writing Informal Essay Free Online Research Papers The Divorce Talk Creative Writing Informal Essay It was a Friday like any other Friday. I had just made the fifteen minute drive home from the bus stop. When I walked through the door, all I could think about was how hungry I was and all the math homework I had. Usually, when I got home from school, I had the house to myself for about three hours. My brother and parents were at work, so I could play my music as loud as I wanted and finish my homework without interruption. However, today was different. The house was not the welcoming quiet I was usually greeted with at the door. As I shut the door, I realized what was different, everyone was home, my brother, dad and mom. I decided to just shrug it off and go about my usual routine, I got a snack and started my homework. I was sitting on the floor in my room where I usually do my homework when my mom walked in. She greeted me with her usual, â€Å"How was school?† and â€Å"Do you have a lot of homework?† It was then, with a pained expression, that she told me what she really came into my room to say; that she and my dad wanted to have a talk. From that moment on, I knew there was going to be something different about this Friday. When my parents say they want to have a â€Å"talk† both my brother and I know it is never a good sign. A â€Å"talk† is usually an indication of some major catastrophe. The last family talk I can remember was about my Uncles colon cancer, and that talk had ended in tears. Immediately I had a sinking feeling that ran all the way to my feet, making them feel like bricks. As I walked toward the living room where all our family talks took place, I racked my brain to figure out what it was that my parents had to tell my brother and I. Finally, it hit me. I stole a glance in my brother’s direction, and from the look on his face we were thinking the same thing. His usual anything-goes expression was replaced by a look of uncertainty. We slumped onto the couch, not sure if we were ready for what was ahead. It was my mom who spoke first. â€Å"We want to tell you both first of all that we love you and nothing in the whole world could ever change that.† That was all she had to say to confirm that I knew what this talk was about. I had seen it coming, but I thought it I wouldnt be for a little while longer. â€Å"Your father and I aren’t getting along and we’ve tried everything,† she stated matter-of-factly, but i could see pain behind her blue eyes. Then she hesitantly continued, â€Å"We are getting a divorce†. Those words were like a slap in the face. It took a second for her words to sink in, but once they did, everything else that was said went in one ear and out the other. I was in complete shock. My whole world had been shaken, never to be the same again. My dad added, from his seat in the recliner, that he and my mom were there for us if we needed to talk, but that was the last thing I wanted to do. All I wanted to do was to go in my room and cry. I looked in my brother’s direction as we walked out of the room. We both were hurt deeply but had tried not to show it in front of our parents, so it was only when we were out of sight that the tears soaked our faces. When we reached the back of the house, he stopped and looked at me to see if I was hurting as bad as he was. It was then that he hugged me. There was a warmth that came from that hug that to this day I can’t describe. It calmed, soothed, and told me that everything was going to be all right. That hug was exactly what I needed and was the best hug that I’ve ever had. There is no doubt in my mind, on that day my life changed. I was no longer the girl with a perfect family, whose parents were still married. Even though this is the case, I can look back now and see that some good came out of the divorce. Before that day I’d never really cherished my relationship with each member of my family. I never thought about how much I enjoyed the car rides to school with my dad listening the golden oldies. I never realized how much my brother and I are alike. A simple look or a gesture can be like an entire conversation between us. I had not noticed how strong my mom is, and how hard she tried to make things work with my dad. She was doing that for my brother and I, she didnt want us to grow up with a broken family. The main thing I learned was that sometimes life is tough and unbearable, and it is in those times that you need a hug from someone who understands. Research Papers on The Divorce Talk - Creative Writing Informal EssayThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyThe Spring and AutumnTrailblazing by Eric AndersonBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraHip-Hop is ArtStandardized Testing

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