Thursday, May 21, 2020

Could work be made more satisfying and participatory Free Essay Example, 1500 words

The management however, fails due to the inability to identify that some sort of informal organization is coming up within the organization so that they are able to deal with the problem by making employees understand and appreciate their roles more (Krahn et al. 2010, P. 223-246). The critical issue though is can both parties achieve their main desires in a mutually advantageous manner. Because of this varied ambitions both parties have different motivations behind the quest for work reform. The employer seeks to fully exploit and combine all the factors of production to make maximum profit. The worker aim is to have a favorable working environment that allows for innovation and personal growth. Employee’s skills should then be fully utilized as they get maximum reward for their efforts. A major cause of lack of job satisfaction occurs when the employer in an effort to maximize profits make the working conditions fail to meet the workers expectations. This will include emplo ying techniques like use of assembly lines where the employee does the same task time after time, this results in employee failure to make maximum contribution as talents and abilities are not fully exploited(Smith & Bullock, 2007 ). They worker is also not given the opportunity to give any valuable input to the project. We will write a custom essay sample on Could work be made more satisfying and participatory or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now This is what causes the employee to begin begrudging the work and will choose to work partially towards attainment of the organizations goal (Bellamy, 1998). Work can be made to be more satisfying and participatory. This will require that the employees work in a favorable environment. The employer on the other had obtains maximum returns from the investment. For employees to develop a feeling that their work is being fully appreciated would require a variety of measures. For assembly line and industrial workers the management can adopt employee rotation (Krahn et al. 2010, P. 317-328). A worker is posted somewhere for a particular period before, then they are moved to another section (Chmiel, 2009). This will give all employee room to determine the work location where their skills are most utilized. Once an employee indentifies this position, the employee will feel more satisfied. The worker then has a choice of whether to maintain the position or c ontinue the rotation (Krahn et al, 2010). The satisfied employee will be able to feel that his skills are properly being utilized and the money being paid is the reward of this skill. The work thus becomes more satisfying and participatory.

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